About Us: Kenneth J. Dillon


Kenneth J. Dillon has a Ph.D in history from Cornell University and has taught at several universities.  After serving as a foreign service officer (two prizes for intelligence analysis), he worked in a medical device start-up.  He is a scientific and historical researcher.


Dillon applies to discovery science qualitative techniques drawn from his experience as an historian and intelligence analyst. In the life sciences, he has developed a theory that the red blood cells, acting as a metacolony in real time, comprise the pre-neuronal Original Intelligence of humankind’s distant ancestors and serve as the Conscious Awareness System.  He has also formulated an 18-point proof that the RBCs constitute the animal magnetoreceptor.

In addition to suggesting remedies for respiratory and mental disorders, Dillon has devised a theory of transdermal micronutrition and written a book on biophotonic therapy, the leading phototherapeutic treatment of infectious diseases.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, he advocated gargling and halotherapy as adjuvant therapies.

In planetary science, Dillon has interpreted the Metis myth to explain how Venus seemed to the ancients to emerge as a comet from Jupiter, though in fact Jupiter pulled it from the outer solar system.  He has also devised a theory of the terrestrial planets that furnishes fitting explanations of the origins of Mercury, Venus, and Mars; the slow retrograde rotation of Venus and its atmospheric super-rotation; and key features of Mars, Mercury, and the Moon.  Dillon’s Capture Theory of the origin of the Earth-Moon system matches the evidence much better than the Giant Impact Theory does.

Dillon’s findings resolve the controversy surrounding the Venus theory of Immanuel Velikovsky:  Velikovsky made various pioneer’s mistakes, including arguing that Venus had fissioned off from Jupiter.  But he was right about the central question of whether Venus had repeatedly approached Earth, while his Theory of the Reversing Earth was essentially correct.  Dillon’s Revised Venus Theory fixes mistakes that kept Velikovsky from accessing an array of additional evidence that approaches of Venus caused the Bronze Age catastrophes.  Velikovsky’s critics threw the baby out with the bathwater.

In Earth science, Dillon has framed a novel theory of the origin of the Blue Planet.  He has also devised an explanation of the skewing of the geomagnetic field toward the North Pacific and of the related South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly.  His interpretation of the origin of the Pacific Basin resolves nine anomalies and makes better sense of its idiosyncratic geology (including the Ring of Fire, the Andesite Line, and seismic anomalies down to 2700 km) than an invocation of plate tectonics.

Dillon’s Mars-approach theory of the cause of the five great mass extinctions of prehistory explains why they differed in extent, what made them so devastating, and one reason why there were many minor extinctions as well.  In addition, he has identified the approximate dates of the four inversions of Earth in response to approaches of Venus during the Bronze Age.

Velikovsky’s original theory, the Revised Venus Theory, and Dillon’s planetary theories explain pivotal episodes in Earth history relevant to climate change.

Dillon’s main scientific contributions are:  1. Theory of the Red Blood Cells; 2. The Revised Venus Theory; 3. Pacific-Mars; 4. New Capture Theory of the Origin of the Earth-Moon System; and 5. The Martian Theory of Mass Extinctions.


In ancient history, Dillon has formulated a theory of the Trojans, Etruscans, and Romans that explains how the Greeks won the Trojan War and why Latin has an Ugric grammar.  Besides identifying Karahunj, Armenia and Taosi, China as Venus observatories, he has provided original explanations of Stonehenge, the Great Serpent Mound, the stele of Hammurabi, the Minoan Snake Goddess, the Phaistos disk, the Master Impression of Kydonia, the Antikythera Mechanism, the lioness goddess Sekhmet, the Great Sphinx, the westward orientation of the temple at Karnak, oval temples in Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia, and the stone ladders of Taidong.  Dillon has found the origins of the names Ishtar/Astarte, Athena, Poseidon, Dorian, and Easter.  He has also identified China’s original Yellow Emperor and interpreted the remarkable sequential version of the myth of Archer Yi, who shot down nine of ten suns.

In modern history, Dillon has ascertained how Nikita Khrushchev was misled into undertaking his reckless Cuban missile adventure, and he has contributed evidence and arguments to the increasingly strong KGB-Mafia theory of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  He has also devised a KGB Theory of American Assassinations that includes JFK, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy.

Dillon has written a detailed theory of the 2001 anthrax mailings that shows that al Qaeda operative Abderraouf Jdey was the likely mailer of the anthrax letters as well as the shoebomber of American Airlines Flight #587, as senior U.S. officials became aware in 2004.  In Dillon’s FOIA lawsuit, the judge ruled that FBI may withhold from public scrutiny the 16 pages on scientist Bruce Ivins in the Interim Major Case Summary of 2006.  Ivins committed suicide after FBI Director Robert Mueller evidently caved in to pressure from Vice President Cheney to suppress information identifying Jdey as the mailer, to avoid reopening the investigations of the 9/11/2001 attacks and the crash of Flight #587.

Dillon’s main historical contributions are:  1. Interpretation of evidence regarding the Bronze Age Catastrophes; 2. The Trojan Origin of Roman Civilization; 3. The KGB Theory of American Assassinations; and 4. an al Qaeda theory of the 2001 Anthrax Mailings Case.

Modus operandi

Familiar with the foibles of scientific rejectionists and professional skeptics, Dillon defends deserving medical, scientific, and historical orphan causes as well as victims of scientific rejectionism.  He makes needed revisions, hunts out new evidence, and formulates explanations that validate worthy theories and findings under attack and show objections to them to be groundless.  At times such orphan causes and cases of rejectionism become gateways to the solution of larger puzzles.  Dillon’s work suggests that certain scientific problems yield more readily and reliably to a qualitative approach based on historical insight and evidence-grounded speculation than to quantitative, technical approaches.

The outcomes of Dillon’s efforts should be viewed as fruits of a collaborative endeavor with past researchers, but also with family and teachers, especially Carroll Quigley, in a traditional Catholic liberal arts education.

Dillon has authored eight books, including Rosemarie, a novel of discovery science In a student course evaluation, Dillon was called “a nice, easy going professor.”

As his efforts as a Judger to master technical detail invariably fall short (perhaps a consequence of two thymus irradiations in infancy), Dillon directs his energies toward a Perceiver’s tasks of detecting underlying patterns and formulating explanations for them.  This work takes the form of projects scattered across various fields and encountered by serendipity or elective affinity.  Dillon is a special projects guy, a historical and scientific detective.  He is also a Late Bloomer.

According to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Dillon’s profile is normal but with a tendency to be naively trusting(!).  Such a psychological profile conduces to balanced, normal thinking even as one pays attention to sources, information, and self-generated ideas that could otherwise be prematurely ruled out.

Dillon is the father of two sons.  A resident of Washington, D.C., he walks, jogs, swims, and lifts weights.  He is a student of international affairs and psychology; an amateur linguist and musician; and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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